Here he is the day we adopted him from the Wayne County Humane Society. He was a very special birthday gift for Olivia. Check out his gorgeous tail even as a kitten:
We like to call him Tug, Tuggie, Tugg McNugg, Tuggie Nuggets, Pony (it sounds like he is galloping through the hallway upstairs!). Sometimes I just call him Cat but Mom doesn't like that too much!

He enjoys meowing loudly to wake me up (especially on days I don't have to at 5:30 AM), playing with his favorite toys-"Sparkle Pom" (glittery sparkle craft pom poms), chasing bugs (he's very fierce), eating popcorn and relaxing with some good old fashioned Nip.
Happy Birthday Tug! He certainly lives up to his namesake!

The Rum Tum Tugger
The Rum Tum Tugger is a Curious Cat:
If you offer him pheasant he would rather have grouse.
If you put him in a house he would much prefer a flat,
If you put him in a flat then he'd rather have a house.
If you set him on a mouse then he only wants a rat,
If you set him on a rat then he'd rather chase a mouse.
Yes the Rum Tum Tugger is a Curious Cat--
And there isn't any call for me to shout it:
For he will do
As he do do
And there's no doing anything about it!
The Rum Tum Tugger is a terrible bore:
When you let him in, then he wants to be out;
He's always on the wrong side of every door,
And as soon as he's at home, then he'd like to get about.
He likes to lie in the bureau drawer,
But he makes such a fuss if he can't get out.
Yes the Rum Tum Tugger is a Curious Cat--
And there isn't any use for you to doubt it:
For he will do
As he do do
And there's no doing anything about it!
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious beast:
His disobliging ways are a matter of habit.
If you offer him fish then he always wants a feast;
When there isn't any fish then he won't eat rabbit.
If you offer him cream then he sniffs and sneers,
For he only likes what he finds for himself;
So you'll catch him in it right up to the ears,
If you put it away on the larder shelf.
The Rum Tum Tugger is artful and knowing,
The Rum Tum Tugger doesn't care for a cuddle;
But he'll leap on your lap in the middle of your sewing,
For there's nothing he enjoys like a horrible muddle.
Yes the Rum Tum Tugger is a Curious Cat--
And there isn't any need for me to spout it:
For he will do
As he do do
And there's no doing anything about it!
T. S. Elliot