Monday, December 20, 2010

For the Love of Books

Today I received a voice message from one of my very best friends Sarah.  She just signed up for a library card and was super excited.  So who did she call?  Me.  (*editor's note: this was not Sarah's first library card ever, just first card since she's been in her new house with her hubby-2 years...well overdue...get it!!!)

My obsession with books, reading, libraries and bookstores started at a young age.  My obsession with lists and categorizing?  Shortly thereafter.  There is nothing better than a deliciously alphabetized bookshelf...or a multi-column spreadsheet noting vital information of "Books I Have Read".  I'll save you all from boredom and not attach said spreadsheet here for you to read.  If, however, you would like to share book recommendations you can find me (and my list) at

I credit my love of reading to my mother, who not so ironically now works at the public library!  From a very young age I can remember sitting in the tub, head leaning on the edge listening to Mom read out loud.  Our favorites were the Little House on the Prairie series, Doctor Doolittle, Anne of Green Gables (geez maybe I should credit obsession with lists and reading/doing things in order to my mother as well!) and all of E.B. White's books.  My brother, sister and I all share the same memory (different times) of Mom calling Dad in to finish reading the end of Charlotte's Web.  She was too choked up to do it.

I read on my own as well.  This picture proves it.  I won a reading contest in first grade and as you can see I am very excited about this feat. (each bubble gum represents one book...yes I read that many)
 I loved picture books too and my personal library was always full thanks to my book-gifting aunts and Nana...all lovingly signed on the inside cover with the date and the occassion.  After I acquired my bright red "My First Sony" which allowed you to record, I practiced my various character voices while reading a personal favorite "Where the Wild Things Are".  I also loved using the tape player for read aloud versions of "Frog and Toad", "Little Bear" "Amelia Bedelia" and funny "Fox" books by Edward Marshall.  Here I am nerding out in a book fair parade-kindergarten and first grade.  I am modeling two of my favorite series--Berenstain Bears and of course, Angelina Ballerina!  The fantastic artwork was done by my dad!
I loved books so much it's fair to say that I collected them.  Later in grade school when the new Baby-Sitter's Club book came out I couldn't wait to get my hands on it (especially if it was a Super Special!)  Our family friend who owned a kid/book store in town (Kidlets!) sometimes kept the newest one behind the shelf for me to come in and buy.  Or we'd make a trip to the mall.  The bookstore would have to be the last stop before home because I would be too excited and have to read the book RIGHT THEN.  On the 20 min ride home I usually devoured a substantial number of pages. 

I'm so glad that there is a genre of books written specifically for Young Adults (YAs).  Post Baby-Sitter Club there wasn't much for me to get excited about.  Mostly it was books we were forced to read in English class.  Some good, some not.  My interest waned.  I was left reading Mary Higgins Clark-loved them then but haven't picked one up since 10th grade. 

I read some great books my senior year for AP English but didn't really start picking up reading for fun again until college.  My friends there were (and still are) a great resource for recommendations.  I haven't really stopped reading since. 

Did I mention I work at a publishing company? 
I've had a few requests for posts about me so I hope this counts...

I love to read books that friends recommend.  I think it's very telling what someone will recommend.  It's a little insight to the person they pressure HA!  I would love to hear your book recommendations.  I'm a fan of fiction and prefer character driven plot that's beautifully written.  Two of my favorites authors are Margaret Atwood and Toni Morrison.  I also love funny memoirs like the authors David Sedaris and Laurie Notaro.  (just to give you a few ideas!)

Leave your recommendation in the comments or send me an email!

Happy reading!


  1. OMG the super specials! I was just trying to explain the excitement to Dave about the BSC and how mom would drive me to Eastview and I would beg to get two BSC books because I would finish one before we got home from the mall and would want another one! ALSO I am loving my new library card. I am reading a novel a day and even double fisting! :)

  2. I just got Valley of the Dolls. I'll let you know how it is!!

  3. I knew you were a reading fan... I didn't realize your love of reading had pretty much the same history as my own! My Nonna was a librarian (and an actress) and I think it says a lot about who I am today. One of my secret life goals is to have a library as abundant as the one Belle had in Beauty and the Beast. Nerd alert? Maybe.
