Monday, December 6, 2010

Nice Boot!

It's been way too long since my last update! The snow is falling rapidly outside the window but I still want to post about some of our fall activities...maybe I just don't want to believe it's really Winter yet!!

Grant loves sports. For awhile it seemed like the sport he loved best was whatever one he was playing in season. We cheer him on playing soccer, basketball, baseball and lacrosse...all in one school year. Grant is in 8th grade so he is able to participate in both the modified (school) sports teams and the community center teams (in our town AECC-Alex Eligh Community Center). This fall Grant played soccer for the modified team at Newark. Below are some action shots and a few videos of him in action! He was a leader on the team so played a variety of positions. We likeed it best when he was on offense so he could score some goals!!

In addition to school soccer, Grant also attended a pre-Olympic soccer training program for 8 Sundays in the fall. It was very intense. He had to wear a regulated soccer costume...erhm I mean uniform. The uniform only came with one pair of special navy blue socks. ONE PAIR. If you have ever had the pleasure (did I say pleasure?!) of waking up in the Howard household on a school day you would know that finding a pair of matching socks is equivalent to the proverbial needle in a haystack (instead of a haystack it's our "bin of matchless socks"). Needless to say, having only one pair of socks for a particular uniform was not ideal. The experience, however, was. Grant really got the opportunity to work on his skills and it showed by the end of the season in Newark.

We love cheering Grant on during whatever season he plays! Mom loves the soccer but dislikes the cold...luckily this season ended before the snow! Enjoy the photos below. Grant's modified team record was 7 wins 2 losses 2 ties. He scored 5 goals throughout the season. He also served as a team captain!

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